Organisation Déclarante:Doctors of the World Canada
Budget Total ($CAD):$ 1,762,000
Délai d’exécution: juillet 15, 2021 - avril 28, 2024
Statut: Actif
Coordonnées: Maude Gilbert-Vanasse
[email protected]

Profils des Partenaires et Bailleurs de Fonds

Organisation Déclarante

Doctors of the World Canada

Organisations Participantes

Non précisé

Bailleurs de fonds (Contribution budgétaire totale)

  • Gouvernement et secteur public

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Pays - Allocation Budgétaire Totale

Haïti - $ 1,762,000.00 (100.00%)

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Domaines d'Intervention

Non précisé

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In April 2021, the new COVID-19 variants began spreading globally, with more than 800,000 new cases every day, the rate of death became higher in many countries reaching 13,000 new deaths worldwide every day in early May 2021. Haiti seems to have been lucky for the first year of the pandemic, with a low rate of new cases and a total of 263 deaths until the end of April 2021, although case numbers are not reliable due to a lack of testing and consistent data collection. Considering the numbers in the neighbouring Dominican Republic and the porosity of the border between the two states, it is likely to think that the effects of the pandemic in Haiti were much greater than officially stated. From 72 confirmed cases of COVID-191 in May 2020, Haiti is now at 14,037 cases of infection, 292 deaths and 12,509 recoveries that have been confirmed1. Nevertheless, according to the MSPP, 66 new cases have been registered from May 1st to May 5th; data representing a big increase compared to the numbers of previous months and clearly indicating a new ongoing vague. On May 14th, 2021 MSPP confirmed the presence in the country of two COVID-19 variants, namely the British and Brazilian one. The arrival of variants presents a major challenge to the already weak Haitian health system as the implementation of the MSPP procedures took much longer than what was initially planned (triage station, isolation area, use of PPE, etc.) to be integrated. In addition, according to the Humanitarian Response Plan 2020 (HRP), more than 2.3 million people in Haiti are in need of humanitarian assistance in the health sector, including more than one million children and 315,000 pregnant women.  

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Population Cible

Genre et âge: Non précisé
Population Ciblée Directement: 223,490
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Résultats & Indicateurs

Résultats Attendus

Increase protection against COVID-19 and its health and social impact for the most vulnerable population of the West and Nippes departments. Outcome 1: Support the health system to ensure continuity of essential health services in the West and Nippes departments . Outcome 2: Support the MSPP infection prevention and control (IPC) activities for COVID-19 in the West and Nippes departments. Outcome 3: Reinforce HF and families’capacities to use adequate WASH procedures and measures in the West and Nippes departments. Outcome 4: Increase frontline workers’, patients’ and their families’ capacities to deal with COVID-19 and insecurity stress related

Résultats Obtenus


  • Aucun Sélectionné
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Associated Projects (If applicable)

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