The Youth Coalition for Sexual and Reproductive Rights is excited to announce that our 2021 recruitment process is officially open!
We are looking for young people who are passionate about sexual and reproductive health and rights and are eager to further their experience through international advocacy work.
The YCSRR relies on an active volunteer membership. Most of our work is done virtually and takes place via an interactive online platform called Podio, as well as through email and virtual communication platforms (Skype, Zoom). In order to be a member, you must be between the ages of 17 and 29 and support and promote our principles and values.
On the whole, the work that we do is focused on advocacy at the international level. Specifically, our members attend international conferences and meetings where they advocate for youth sexual and reproductive rights. We also develop advocacy strategies, create publications and organize trainings on specific issues such as abortion rights and youth participation.
YCSRR accepts members from different backgrounds, with varying skills and experiences. We can accept up to two members per country. As our working language is English, it is important that members possess advanced listening, speaking, reading, and writing English language skills (don’t worry if you think you need to keep learning, most of us still are). However, if you need language accommodation, please let us know by contacting us at: [email protected]. We will do our best to support you.
YCSRR is a member-driven organization; time commitment and availability is key to YCSRR’s success. In addition to supporting our principles and values, we look for members who have enough time to meaningfully contribute to the work that we do (members are required to devote a minimum of 10-15 hours per week to YC activities, which includes responding to emails, contributing to online discussions and taking part in our planned activities). Previous knowledge of international-level advocacy and policy instruments (e.g. the International Conference on Population and Development Programme of Action, the Sustainable Development Goals, etc.) is considered an asset.
Youth Coalition for Sexual and Reproductive Rights recognizes the contributions and crucial perspectives that individuals from marginalized communities bring to our team.
For our 2021 advocacy agenda, we will carry out a consultation process aiming at increasing representation at international decision making spaces. As an affirmative measure, we will be accepting young people who meet the criteria below:
* Indigenous peoples
* Afro-descendant
* Transgender
* Queer
* People with disabilities Deadline: January 25, 2021
If you are a young person from these groups and passionate about sexual and reproductive health and rights, please check out this file for more information on how to apply.
janvier 11, 2021
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