Réseau francophone international pour la promotion de la sante (RÉFIPS) – section des Ameriques - Logo

The Réseau francophone international pour la promotion de la sante (RÉFIPS) is a non-profit organization whose mission is to create networks among health promotion professionals with the aim of strengthening health promotion in all countries of La Francophonie. Developing health promotion skills, coaching governance, and supporting projects for implementing various Ottawa Charter strategies (including healthy public policies, physical and social environments conducive to health, individual capacity building, strengthening community action) and integrated health promotion strategies (e.g. École en santéVilles et villages en santéMunicipalités amies des aînésEntreprises en santé) are its main areas of action. Reducing social inequalities in health, including those related to gender, is a fundamental objective of health promotion.

4529, rue Clark, bureau 102

Montréal, Quebec

H2T 2T3


Sarah Chaput


[email protected]
