Découvrez les prochains événements, activités et occasions d’apprentissage en santé mondiale, développement international et égalité des genres.

Prenez note que les événements de collecte de fonds ne seront pas affichés dans le calendrier.


La modification de l'une des entrées du formulaire entraînera l'actualisation de la liste des événements avec les résultats filtrés.

Académie du CanSFE

Virtual , Canada

Joignez-vous à nous lors de l’Académie du CanSFE!

Restoring Indigenous Midwifery and Birth Forum

Virtual , Canada

Join us for our Virtual Forum and take part in three days of virtual presentations, panels and discussions focused on supporting your work of restoring Indigenous midwifery and birth.


Virtual , Canada

Did COVID-19 impact contraceptive use? Don't miss an excellent introduction to longitudinal analysis as PMA and IPUMS use PMA data to examine whether the COVID-19 pandemic impacted contraceptive use.

Menstrual Health in Crisis Webinar

Virtual , Canada

Pandemic Periods and Girls Health Ed are partnering to bring you a thought-provoking and action-orientated discussion in observance of Menstrual Health Day on May 27.

Avenir égalitaire 2022 : un sommet sur l’égalité des genres

Richcraft Hall 9376 University Dr, Ottawa, ON, Ottawa, Canada

Grâce au thème du sommet, « Collaboration, action collective et communauté » un forum où le mouvement de l’égalité des genres au Canada pourra se réunir en personne, dans toute sa diversité, pour établir des liens, renforcer sa capacité, partager son expertise et déterminer la voie à suivre pour que le Canada devienne un pays plus juste et équitable.

100 jours de guerre en Ukraine : Narratifs et réponses

Virtual , Canada

En utilisant une approche féministe, la table ronde du séminaire discutera des besoins des personnes déplacées et, plus largement, de la médiatisation, de la réponse humanitaire et de la politique étrangère.

Bethune Round Table 2022

Virtual , Canada

Are you interested in global surgery? Want to hear from interdisciplinary surgical providers and #healthcare professionals from around the world? Come to the Bethune Round Table 2022!

Nature-Based Solutions, Climate Resilience, and the SDGs

On June 23, Aga Khan Foundation Canada is pleased to host Nature-based Solutions, Climate Resilience, and the SDGs, welcoming a panel of experienced practitioners who aim to reduce climate risks, advance climate resilience, and support the achievement of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

La Journée Mondiale du Migrant et du Réfugié

Virtual , Canada

Nous invitons les membres de la grande famille de Cuso International à une assemblée publique virtuelle dans le cadre de la Journée mondiale des réfugiés 2022.

Youth Summit 2022 – Equality, Equity and Inclusion

In honour of World Refugee Day, join us on Saturday, June 25, 2022, from 12:30 to 3:00 PM ET, to deepen your understanding of equality and human rights and the connection to the refugee crisis.

Virtual Community Exchange 3

Virtual , Canada

The VCE is an informal, interactive, and community-driven opportunity for you to engage with the wider IATI Community.

The Hunger Crisis: Causes, Context, Response

Virtual , Canada

On Wednesday, July 13, at 12pm ET, four member agencies of the Humanitarian Coalition will be hosting a Twitter Space to discuss the causes, context and response to the hunger crisis.

Lucky Iron Fish Lunch & Learn with CanWaCH

Virtual , Canada

Lucky Iron Fish is hosting a digital lunch and learn session to showcase their latest data and research on the use of the Lucky Iron Fish to address iron deficiency […]

Town Hall – Women United for Food Security in Peru

Virtual , Canada

Hear from Tania Shephard, Pilar Garcia, and a community member from the Mujeres Unidas por la Seguridad Alimentaria y Ambiental project, on how they are working in partnership with women farmers and women’s networks to share knowledge, advocate for food security and support community led decision-making.

Town Hall – Women United for Food Security in Peru

Virtual , Canada

This town hall will be in English with French and Spanish live translation provided. The pandemic, supply chain troubles, and food price inflation has been particularly hard on marginalized communities […]

The power of Results’ advocacy

Virtual , Canada

Join us on September 29 to celebrate our #FightForWhatCounts recent success and prepare for our #EndPoverty Challenge in October. In this webinar, you will hear from Results Canada’s Executive Director […]

Girls on the Frontline

"Girls on the Frontline” will highlight progress and challenges toward ending child marriage on the 10th anniversary of International Day of the Girl. If you require a reasonable accommodation in […]

Women and Water: On the frontline of climate change

Climate change impacts us all – with the immediate effects most often felt through water insecurity. So why, we ask, is only 3% of climate finance dedicated to water-related adaptation? […]

Pledge for Change 2030 Launch

Virtual , Canada


Échange communautaire virtuel (VCE4) de l’IITA

Le jeudi 10 novembre (13h30-18h00 UTC)  , l'IITA organisera son  quatrième « échange communautaire virtuel » (VCE4) sur Zoom. Les inscriptions pour le VCE4 sont ouvertes. Le VCE est une opportunité informelle, interactive et axée sur […]

Assemblée générale annuelle du CanSFE 2022

Le CanSFE tiendra bientôt son Assemblée générale annuelle (AGA) virtuelle et espère vous y voir! Date : le mardi 15 novembre 2022 Heure : 10 h à 11 h (HE) […]

Racialized Maternal Health Conference 2022

Virtual , Canada

Canada's Leading Forum for Racialized Perinatal Healthcare Creating space for people who care about equitable perinatal health. The Conference The Racialized Maternal Health Conference is a forum where professionals, students, […]

MIH Canada – Challenges posed by current ART practices, surrogacy arrangements, and gene editing: are new public policies needed?

Virtual , Canada

Please join Maternal and Infant Health Canada (a global public health collaborative devoted to improving wellbeing of the environment, young ones and those who identify as women) and the Global Women’s Health Network (an alumni group of the Harvard TH Chan School of Public Health Takemi program in International Health) for a webinar that is open to all, free of charge. We host webinars every two months. All welcome!

S’engager dans la solidarité

Joignez-vous à nous le 5 décembre 2022 à midi HNE pour célébrer, en solidarité, la Journée internationale des volontaires! Venez découvrir les histoires des volontaires et des partenaires locaux qui […]

Mainstreaming Health in Climate Action

Virtual , Canada

Africa Dialogues will bring together thought leaders, policymakers, climate activists and health experts to unpack the linkages between climate change and health and spearhead discussions on what must be done to position health at the heart of climate action plans.

Pre-Budget Consultation Training

Today, inflation, gas prices and grocery bills have been front of mind for many Canadians. Our brothers and sisters around the world have been struggling with food supply, job opportunities […]

Naviguer dans l’incertitude dans le développement Humain

Delegation of the Ismaili Imamat 199 Sussex Drive, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada

À l'échelle mondiale, l'incertitude revêt de nombreuses formes; la guerre en Ukraine, le déclin de l'indice de développement humain, l'instabilité économique et les catastrophes climatiques, entre autres, et entraîne une […]

Empowering Women Globally: Equity beyond equality

Women, girls and gender-diverse folk worldwide remain systemically disadvantaged and under-represented in positions of power, both here in Canada and across the globe. In 2023, Good Neighbors Canada is actively […]


S’attaquer aux changements climatiques au Honduras

Nous vous invitons chaleureusement à participer à notre prochaine assemblée publique virtuelle, qui se tiendra le jeudi 9 février prochain et qui portera sur les efforts déployés au Honduras pour […]

Community Gathering: BHM

February 16 @ 1:00 pm - 2:30 pm EST The gatherings hosted by the ARC Hub during Black History Month will serve as closed safe(r) spaces for Black folks across our sector. For […]

Revolutionaries & Resistance Movements

When: Feb. 16th at 6pm Location: Zoom & Facebook Live Moderator: Dilaye Desta Guests: Sarah George, Karine Coen-Sanchez Description Black History is a time to celebrate the achievements of civil […]

Reading Group: Afrotopia

February 21 @ 4:00 pm - 5:30 pm EST The reading group will be a space for learning, reflection, and exchange. Beginning this Black History Month grounding the important work of this month […]

Community Conversations: BHM

February 28 @ 4:00 pm - 5:30 pm EST The Community Conversations is an invitation in to hear the truths of the often forgotten racialised community members across our sector. From various perspectives, […]

One Woman Can

Join us on International Women's Day March 8 for an important and timely discussion on women’s economic empowerment: https://bit.ly/3Ja1OU2 "One Woman Can" will bring together experts from around the world […]

Embracing the Difference, Now and Tomorrow

Join FINCA’s new President and CEO, Andree Simon, and FINCA Board Member Jordan Greenaway for an intimate conversation on the future of financial inclusion and social enterprise for women. Click […]

Engaging Men for Gender Equality

Join us on Tuesday, March 14th at 10:30am ET for a panel discussion on successfully engaging men for gender equality. Co-sponsored by Global Affairs Canada, this panel will draw on […]

Together, let’s #EndTB: a World TB Day webinar

DATE: March 15 at 12:00pm ET, 11:00am CT, 10:00am MT, 9:00am PT, 1:00pm AT Yes, we can #EndTB by 2030. Despite being preventable and largely treatable, tuberculosis (TB) takes the […]

20th Skoll World Forum

The 20th Skoll World Forum will take place April 12–14, 2023 in Oxford, UK to celebrate 20 years of impact and the innovators who drive social progress. Visit our FAQs page […]

In Pursuit of Reproductive Justice

This panel discussion focuses on the high rates of maternal mortality and morbidity among African, Caribbean & Black women in Canada, as well as the many systemic barriers and challenges […]

Lunch and Learn: Canada and the New Global Financing Pact

Virtual , Canada

Come learn about how can Canada support reforms of the Multilateral Development Banks and share its Special Drawing Rights to raise billions more to fight climate change and better prepare […]
