Improving Access to Reproductive, Maternal and Newborn Health in Mwanza, Tanzania (IMPACT) | Short-Term Consultancy – Design, Layout and Production of IMPACT Endline Study Infographic
Aga Khan Foundation Canada (AKFC) requires the services of an experienced creative professional for a short-term consultancy to undertake the design, layout and production of an infographic to display quantitative and qualitative data collected through the four-year Improving Access to Reproductive, Maternal and Newborn Health in Mwanza, Tanzania (IMPACT) project supported by the Government of Canada. The Consultant will use the data provided to produce an infographic, which contains figures, charts, images, and text to reflect the data collected during baseline and endline assessments conducted throughout the project. The infographic will be utilized by project staff, partners, and other stakeholders to showcase project achievements, reflect on the progress made throughout the project, particularly around maternal and newborn health outcomes, including gender equality and adolescent sexual and reproductive health (SRH) outcomes, and demonstrate the value of continued investments in these areas. The infographic is to be produced in English. The consultancy will take place remotely between January to February 2021 (subject to change).
The Aga Khan Development Network (AKDN) is a group of private, international, non-denominational agencies working to improve living conditions and opportunities for people in the developing world. The Network’s organizations have individual mandates that range from the fields of health and education to architecture, livelihoods development and the promotion of private enterprise. Together, they collaborate in working towards a common goal – to build institutions and projects that can respond to the challenges of social, economic and cultural change on an ongoing basis.
Aga Khan Foundation Canada (AKFC) was established as a Canadian non-profit international development agency in 1980. AKFC mobilizes Canadian financial, intellectual and technical resources to support the efforts of the larger AKDN through wide-ranging partnerships with the Canadian government, academic and civil society institutions, the corporate sector, and individual Canadians.
The four-year, $14.6 million CAD IMPACT project aims to significantly improve maternal and newborn health outcomes for more than 750,000 beneficiaries across Mwanza Region, Tanzania. IMPACT is executed by AKFC and implemented by local agencies that are institutional members of the AKDN including Aga Khan Foundation Tanzania, Aga Khan Health Service Tanzania, as well as Aga Khan University East Africa. The project aims to improve access and utilisation of quality maternal and newborn health services through a comprehensive health system strengthening approach. Key interventions include i) renovating and equipping health facilities; ii) training and mentoring health workers; iii) quality improvement at health facilities, including improved data and information use, iv) mobilising communities to promote and practice healthy behaviours that support positive reproductive health outcomes through Community Health Workers, Care Groups and other behaviour communication change (BCC) interventions; and v) strengthening local level governance and accountability structures and systems. The project is funded by the Government of Canada and Aga Khan Foundation Canada.
The consultancy includes desk-based work, which will be conducted remotely. The consultant will work in close consultation with the AKFC Senior Program Manager, Health who will provide the consultant with the quantitative and qualitative data required for the development of the infographic. The consultant will lead the creation of the infographic and AKFC will provide feedback and approvals at each stage. The consultant will be expected to submit a workplan that includes timelines and deliverables after reviewing the quantitative and qualitative data and prior to commencing the assignment.
AKFC will provide a full communications brief (objectives, audience, etc.) to the consultant. AKFC and the consultant will work together to define a creative approach (style, tone, etc.) and content for the infographic. In close consultant with the AKFC Senior Program Manager, Health, the consultant will carry out the following key activities:
The period of the contract is expected to be from January to February 2021. The consultant is expected to carry out the following tasks according to the following delivery schedule:
Initial discussion with AKFC to discuss scope and objectives: Jan 15
Desk review of IMPACT quantitative and qualitative data: Jan 30
Development of first draft of infographic: Jan 30
Development second draft of infographic based on AKFC feedback: Feb 5
Deliver final draft of infographic based on second round of AKFC Feedback: Feb 10
Periodic calls with AKFC aligned with production of deliverables to share feedback and discuss next steps. throughout
Applicants must demonstrate how they meet the following requirements:
AKFC is committed to advancing gender equality and inclusion through our programming and operations in Canada and overseas. AKFC requires all consultants to review and abide by the AKFC Gender Equality Policy. All projects should use gender sensitive approaches and integrate relevant gender equality information. A copy of the Policy will be provided to the consultant.
AKFC aims to ensure that no individuals associated with our organisation in any capacity (staff, volunteers, governance bodies or external service providers, beneficiaries or community members) are subjected to any practices that infringe upon human dignity and that activities are conducted in accordance with the highest standards of honesty, integrity and professionalism. In carrying out this contract, the consultant is expected to adhere to Aga Khan Foundation’s Global Safeguarding Manual, a copy of which will be provided.
Qualified and interested parties are asked to submit the following:
Complete applications should be submitted electronically to [email protected] the subject line of IMPACT Endline Study Infographic Application.
The closing date for submission of the application package is January 18th, 2021.
AKFC is committed to advancing gender equality and inclusion through our programming and operations in Canada and overseas. AKFC requires all consultants to review and abide by the AKFC Gender Equality Policy.
AKFC recognizes the importance of safeguarding and is committed to ensuring it manages a wide range of risks such that beneficiaries, staff, other associates, and the organization as a whole are kept safe from harm.
janvier 11, 2021
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