Empowering women and girls in the fight against zoonotic diseases

Organisation Déclarante:Université de Montréal – Bureau Recherche-Développement-Valorisation (BRDV)
Budget Total ($CAD):$ 4,000,000
Délai d’exécution: septembre 22, 2023 - mars 31, 2028
Statut: Actif
Coordonnées: Magali Martin
[email protected]

Profils des Partenaires et Bailleurs de Fonds

Organisation Déclarante

Université de Montréal – Bureau Recherche-Développement-Valorisation (BRDV)

Organisations Participantes

  • Universités et recherche

    • University of Guelph

Bailleurs de fonds (Contribution budgétaire totale)

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Pays - Allocation Budgétaire Totale

Burkina Faso - $ 2,000,000.00 (50.00%)

Sénégal - $ 2,000,000.00 (50.00%)

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Domaines d'Intervention

Santé - Allocation Budgétaire Totale

Maladies infectieuses & transmissibles (100.00 %)

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This project aims to improve community health and equitable One Health empowerment for poor women and girls in areas with a high prevalence of zoonotic diseases in Burkina Faso and Senegal. Project activities include: (1) leading training workshops at the community level to improve screening for and diagnosis of zoonotic diseases; (2) supporting community based management of zoonotic diseases in humans and animals; (3) supporting the strengthening of surveillance, prevention and control systems in place for the priority zoonotic diseases; (4) organizing intersectoral meetings of institutional stakeholders on the topic of One Health leadership and the participation of women in programs; (5) creating and supporting income generating activities for the most vulnerable women and girls; and (6) carrying out empowerment activities for women relating to the equitable control of household resources. The University of Montreal and the University of Guelph, in cooperation with various local partners such as university institutions and civil society organizations, are delivering this project.

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Population Cible

Genre et âge: Adolescentes Adultes, femmes Enfants, filles
Population Ciblée Directement: Non précisé
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Non précisé

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Résultats & Indicateurs

Résultats Attendus

The expected outcomes for this project include: (1) improved community practices and behaviours that support women and girls’ participation and decision making in the context of the “One Health” approach in the target areas; (2) enhanced effectiveness of the surveillance, prevention and control systems for zoonotic diseases, incorporating the issues of gender equality and the environment in the target communities; and (3) strengthened economic leadership of women and girls by protecting their livelihoods using a “One Health” approach in the target communities.

Résultats Obtenus


  • Aucun Sélectionné
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Associated Projects (If applicable)

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