Organisation Déclarante: | Right To Play International |
Budget Total ($CAD): | $ 6,886,616 |
Délai d’exécution: | février 13, 2020 - mars 31, 2024 |
Statut: | Actif |
Coordonnées: |
Tracey Evans [email protected] |
Tanzanie - $ 2,479,181.76 (36.00%) | |
Burundi - $ 2,341,449.44 (34.00%) | |
Canada - $ 1,032,992.40 (15.00%) | |
Royaume-Uni - $ 1,032,992.40 (15.00%) | |
Éducation (60.00 %) | |
Égalité des genres (30.00 %) | |
Eau, assainissement & hygiène (EAH) (5.00 %) | |
Intervention humanitaire (5.00 %) | |
My Education, My Future: Supporting Burundian Refugee Girls’ Education (MEMF) is a four-year (2020-2024), $6.9 million, gender-responsive education project for girls affected by the Burundian refugee crisis in Burundi and Tanzania. This initiative is being implemented by Right To Play International (RTP), in partnership with the Norwegian Refugee Council (NRC). The project will work towards the ultimate outcome of improved learning outcomes for girls, including girls with disabilities, affected by the Burundian crisis and living in refugee camps in Tanzania and repatriated communities in Burundi. This will be achieved by i) increasing access to protective, inclusive and gender-responsive play-based education for girls, including girls with disabilities; and ii) improving provision of protective, inclusive and gender-responsive play-based learning for girls, including girls with disabilities.
Genre et âge: | Enfants, garçons Enfants, filles |
Population Ciblée Directement: | 48,906 |
Population Ciblée Indirectement: | 191,287 |
Training | |
Training | |
Rehabilitation | |
Training |