Sexual Health and Empowerment (SHE)

Organisation Déclarante:Oxfam Canada
Budget Total ($CAD):$ 18,629,813
Délai d’exécution: août 10, 2018 - juin 1, 2025
Statut: Actif
Coordonnées: Alex Wilson
[email protected]

Profils des Partenaires et Bailleurs de Fonds

Organisation Déclarante

Oxfam Canada

Organisations Participantes

Bailleurs de fonds (Contribution budgétaire totale)

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Pays - Allocation Budgétaire Totale

Philippines - $ 18,629,813.00 (100.00%)

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Domaines d'Intervention

Santé - Allocation Budgétaire Totale

Santé & droits reproductifs, y compris la santé maternelle (40.00 %)

Santé & droits sexuels (40.00 %)

Autre - Allocation Budgétaire Totale

Violence sexuelle & sexiste (20.00 %)

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SHE seeks to empower women and girls to secure their sexual and reproductive health and rights (SRHR) in six disadvantaged and conflict-affected regions of the Philippines. It works to improve knowledge and awareness of sexual reproductive health and rights, particularly among women and girls, including the prevention of gender-based violence (GBV); strengthen health systems and community structures to deliver rights-based comprehensive SRH information and services; and improve the effectiveness and capacity of women’s rights organizations (WROs) and women’s movements to advance SRHR and prevent GBV.

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Population Cible

Genre et âge: Non précisé
Population Ciblée Directement: 39,524
Population Ciblée Indirectement: 305,149
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19,321 Trained
59,709 Reached through awareness raising
3,503 Trained
52 IEC materials developed
904 Sensitization actions or activities conducted
1,140 Trained
2,713 Trained
10 Facilities meet standards
10 Facilities accredited
11 Facilities meet standards
17 Facilities with IMS
10 Capacity Building Grants
20 Research studies
9 Learning events
20 Advocacy strategies
20 Influencing activities
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Résultats & Indicateurs

Résultats Attendus

7% decrease of women with unmet need for FP including modern methods; 4% decrease in teenage pregnancy rates among target population; 10% increase in positive attitudes that promote SRHR and GBV prevention among target population; 10,418 new FP acceptors; 66,149 individuals who have accessed quality and gender sensitive RH services

Résultats Obtenus

6,635 new FP acceptors; 64,852 individuals who have accessed quality and gender sensitive RH services


  • Aucun Sélectionné
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Associated Projects (If applicable)

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