Women and Girls Standing up with Dignity for our Sexual and Reproductive Rights (FANMKAD)

Organisation Déclarante:CARE Canada
Budget Total ($CAD):$ 6,700,000
Délai d’exécution: avril 29, 2021 - octobre 31, 2025
Statut: Actif
Coordonnées: Non précisé

Profils des Partenaires et Bailleurs de Fonds

Organisation Déclarante

CARE Canada

Bailleurs de fonds (Contribution budgétaire totale)

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Pays - Allocation Budgétaire Totale

Haïti - $ 6,700,000.00 (100.00%)

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Domaines d'Intervention

Santé - Allocation Budgétaire Totale

Systèmes de santé, formation & infrastructure (40.00 %)

Santé & droits reproductifs, y compris la santé maternelle (30.00 %)

Santé & droits sexuels (20.00 %)

Autre - Allocation Budgétaire Totale

Violence sexuelle & sexiste (10.00 %)

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The FANMKAD project is implemented over a 4-year period by CARE Canada, Avocats sans frontières Canada, and Santé Monde with CARE Canada as the lead partner.

The Project aims to improve the exercise of the right to health of Haitians, particularly to sexual and reproductive health and rights (SRHR) of women and adolescent girls. It will be implemented at the departmental level in the South-East and at the national level in Port-au-Prince.

The Project will use a multisectoral approach, based on two components: 

1) strengthening the continuum of care, integrating the participation of rights holders, women and men, including civil society organizations, particularly organizations defending the rights of women and adolescent girls and communities, through the development and delivery of a rights-respecting, age-appropriate and gender-appropriate sexual and reproductive health package of services and care for adolescent girls and women and managed according to the principles of inclusive governance; and 

2) the active social mobilization of parents, men, adolescents and opinion leaders, and the strengthening of SRHR knowledge of women and adolescent girls in order to ensure positive social transformation in the targeted areas, go; and, on the other hand, strengthening the capacity of civil society organizations to effectively promote reproductive health and rights (RHR) at the national and international level, to provide services respectful of RHR and gender equality, and to support victims of gender-based violence in their efforts to demand the implementation of their RHR.

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Population Cible

Genre et âge: Adultes, femmes Adultes, hommes Adolescentes Adolescents
Description: Zone rurale Zone urbaine
Population Ciblée Directement: 72,424
Population Ciblée Indirectement: 217,272
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Healthcare providers trained: Training and support offered to health providers and support staff to offer a complete package of SRHR services and referral adapted to the needs of women and adolescent girls
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Résultats & Indicateurs

Résultats Attendus

  • Ultimate result: Improve the exercise of the right to health of Haitians, especially to sexual and reproductive health and rights (SRHR) of women and adolescent girls. 
  • Intermediate result: Improved accountability of Haitian institutions in SRHR for women and adolescent girls in the Southeast department
  • Intermediate result: Increased effectiveness of Haitian citizens and women’s and adolescent girls’ rights organizations (WARO) in advocating for their rights in terms of SRHR and gender equality

Résultats Obtenus


  • Aucun Sélectionné
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Associated Projects (If applicable)

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