A message of hope from Abdulahalnaser Dhurgham Naser

In 2017, Abdulahalnaser Dhurgham Naser, a 20-year-old dental student from Baghdad, delivered a powerful message about the importance of investing in adolescents living in regions of conflict at our Global Adolescent Health Conference. This month, we received news that he had graduated from dental school. Congratulations, Abdulahalnaser!

Journée importante pour la santé mondiale : le gouvernement du Canada, chef de file des efforts pour éradiquer la COVID-19

Marquant aujourd’hui un jalon pour le leadership mondial du Canada dans la lutte contre les répercussions de la COVID-19, le gouvernement du Canada a consenti d’importants investissements pour assurer un accès équitable aux vaccins dans le monde et pour combattre l’insécurité alimentaire et la malnutrition qui se sont amplifiées durant la pandémie.

Emerging Global Public Health Leaders: Part 4

This past week marked the final week of this campaign. Although we’re sad to see this campaign ending, we’re feeling inspired and refreshed by the insightful motivations and questions that push these leaders to pursue their work. Read below to be inspired by 5 more emerging professionals!

Le CanSFE presse le gouvernement canadien à s’engager à vacciner les travailleurs de la santé au pays et à l’étranger aussi vite que possible

CanSFE presse le gouvernement canadien à soutenir des initiatives visant à vacciner les travailleurs de la santé au Canada et à l’étranger.

Emerging Global Public Health Leaders: Part 3

Welcome to the third instalment of our Emerging Leaders Campaign. A campaign dedicated to celebrating health professionals in all areas of global health. We have reached out to a variety of emerging global health leaders who are either in school, working in policy, hospitals and/or academics to ask for their advice and experiences for those who wish to enter the field. This week we feature 5 outstanding emerging leaders who are inspiring me to work towards my goals. These individuals did not have linear career paths, but they all have worked extremely hard towards promoting health equity and creating human connection.
