Budget 2021 : Points saillants pour les membres du CanSFE et le secteur du développement international

This summary includes immediate highlights of Federal Budget 2021 tabled by Finance Minister Chrystia Freelend in the House of Commons on April 19, 2021. Further analysis and implications of budget measures on the global health and international development sector will be undertaken by CanWaCH in collaboration with our members and partners in the coming days.

3D Printed Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) During COVID-19

During COVID-19, healthcare workers face many challenges, including a lack of PPE supply. The 3D printing community stepped up during the early stages of the pandemic. It provided an alternative manufacturing source that will provide excellent service moving forward.  

Guide sur l’admissibilité des dépenses possibles pour la COVID-19

Affaires mondiales Canada reconnaît que la maladie à coronavirus (COVID-19) a des répercussions sur la prestation des projets d’aide en développement international. Les lignes directrices qui suivent visent à assurer […]
